Tuesday 10 June 2014

Cesc Fabregas, Pedro, Dani Alves and Alexis Sanchez Could All Become Manchester United Players

A report bySimon Jones in The Daily Mail indicates that while turning down Manchester United’s enquiry on Jordi Alba, Barcelona has offered Cesc Fabregas, Pedro, Dani Alves and Alexis Sanchez to United. It is understood that Luis Enrique, Barca’s new manager is set to offload these players in order to raise funds to bring in fresh legs to strengthen team and get it set for the next season.

Will Manchester United be interested in these players? Giving the club’s current failings and deficiencies, the answer is pretty obvious: YES!  As reported by the Metro, Alexis Sanchez had already attracted interest from Liverpool, Juventus and Manchester United. New manager, Louis van Gaal is reported to be very keen on bringing the Chilean international attacker/winger to Old Trafford next season and Metro has reported that a £20 million offer has been made to Barcelona. Sanchez. He has skills that will immediately make him a hit in the United team. He can fit in as a quick attacking midfielder, a top striker and a winger thereby giving van Gaal an array of attacking options. The 25 year old player has some seven active playing years ahead thus making him a long term regular in the Manchester United Team.

Cesc Fabregas has been a long time target of United especially under David Moyes who unfortunately has been sacked from the United job. Fabregas is a player who can enrich any team and it is therefore no surprise that not a few of Europe’s top clubs are after him. He can play in central midfield and attacking forward. Since leaving Arsenal, he has struggled to shine in the star studded Calatan team; last season especially, he endured a frustrating run of games. This however will take nothing away from his talent and creativity in the midfield.  It’s been widely reported that he may have agreed a deal with Chelsea. Although, the  Italian journalist, Tancredi Palmari, stated on twitter that Manchester United had offered the player higher wages and may have scuttle his move to Chelsea. A Times journalist, James Ducker, responded also on twitter(@DuckerTheTimes)  that Manchester United are not interested in the player. At the moment, van Gaal’s stance on the player is not exactly known but what he can do in United’s midfield is known.

As for Pedro, Goal.com quoted the 26-year-old Barcelona winger as saying “I’m not sure what’s going to happen….when I need to decide something, I’ll talk to the club and we’ll see what happens”. Goal.com understands that Pedro, just like Fabregas may be on his way out of Nou Camp after the world cup. If United do get to sign Sanchez who by the way has caught van Gaal’s fancy, it is very doubtful if they will ever show interest in Pedro.

Dani Alves, the Brazilian defender is also reported to have been put up for sale by the Calatans. He has been a very strong force at the back for Barcelona and with United current trouble in defence, he could be the kind of player the team needs to add experience to their central defence line.

Louis van Gaal is an experienced manager and he knows which player he wants to bring to his team. He is hardly the kind of manager who would jump at offers because they have been made. For United’s defence, he has already identified Bruno Martins Indi and Mats Hummels as his priority.

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