Monday 9 June 2014

Bastian Schweinsteiger : The Perfect Fit For Manchester United's Midfield?

United’s midfield problems have been widely discussed over the last season and sadly, it has become malignant. On taking over Sir Alex Ferguson’s seat, David Moyes identified the midfield as the one area needing immediate overhaul or at least some reinforcement and he wasted no time in snapping up his trusted leg from Everton. Unfortunately, Marouane Fellaini has had a most disappointing first season at United.  With Louis Van Gaal waiting to take over after this summer world cup, it is clear to him as it has been to club supporters that he will have to build a strong midfield of his own; and he’s determined to get it right from the middle.

Bastian Schweinsteiger, the 29 year old German international and Bayern Munich midfielder is the latest midfielder to be linked to United. Graham Hunter, a football commentator has been quoted to have said Pep Guardiola would be willing to sell off Schweinsteiger having considered him too slow and unsuited for his tiki taka style. This is hardly a surprise to many considering the fact that the player didn’t get enough playing time last season.

 Manchester united is Schweinsteiger’s likely destination; Louis Van Gaal had worked with him while he was manager of the Bavarian side and had helped make Schweinsteiger the kind of player that he has become. So certainly, if there is any one manager that knows how to bring the best out of Schweinsteiger, Van Gaal would be the man! At United, he would immediately get the kind of perfect start that many new players dream of.

Beyond the issue of settling down, where would he fit into in United’s midfield? The quartet of Darren Fletcher, Tom Cleverly, Marouane Fellaini and Michael Carrick has seen better days and can no longer withstand the creativity and doggedness that most teams of United’s calibre parade in recent times. Schweinsteiger will certainly improve United’s midfield. He may not fit into Guardiola’s style but he is still the all-round, versatile footballer that has earned him a consistent slot in the German national team. He plays in central midfield and can play deep or upfront to support the attack. Unlike some central midfield players, he is not afraid to push upfront and take on defenders. His ability to play in advance position is the key to his suitability for United’s kind of attacking play. He can score goals and take fantastic free kicks. He will also come in handy for United because he is a natural leader on the pitch; able to inspire a tired team to draw on inner strength to overcome opponents.

Unfortunately, at 29, Bastian Schweinsteiger can only be a short term fix for United’s ailing midfield. He is no longer the kind of player he used to be and although he would be a splendid addition to United, it would be very unwise to make him the sole reinforcement in their midfield. In the last four years, he has been plagued by a recurring ankle injury which has slowed him down and should he sustain another ankle injury (which should never be ruled out), United will be back to the David Moyes era. Notwithstanding this flaw, United would have made a big statement if they pull this transfer through.

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