Saturday 3 March 2012

Spurs vs United preview inc View from the Lane

Manchester United take on Spurs at White Hart Lane on Sunday in a crucial game in the Barclays Premier League. Ahead of the game, I caught up with Greg Theoharis from the excellent "Dispatches from a football sofa" site to gauge the mood in the home side's camp.

Spurs are currently sitting pretty in 3rd place in the Premier League. Is this in line with your expectations for the season?

Hell, no. Those two Manchester maulings and Harry's downplaying during the close-season had many of us expecting the worst. I don't entirely know how it happened (well actually, I do - Parker) but this Spurs side has had many of us pinching ourselves and asking as to the identity of these impostors in white shirts who grind out results when needed (Fulham, away) whist eviscerating others (Newcastle, home). Europa was in hindsight a necessary sacrifice but we're doing okay in the FA Cup and provided we're not at home to Mr Cock-up as Blackadder would say, a second shot at the Champions League should be a decent end to the season. The Premier League will have to wait though. So conceding, I'd easily prefer United to get number twenty rather than City.

Losing to Arsenal 5-2 must have hurt, what went wrong in your eyes and who was to blame?
I was. Two-nil up and I go and tweet, "It's all too easy". I knew once I did that the game was up. I think that in essence is what happened to the players on the pitch too. Complacency set in and it was a good reminder that Old Spurs, like Old Labour hasn't been entirely eradicated by the brave, new, shiny world of success. It was nice to see Arsenal fans getting into a frenzy about winning though. It was clearly their Cup Final, to trade on the cliche. We have bigger ambitions and after years of having the North London derby dismissed by Wenger and Gooners as an irrelevance, the irony of how the tables have turned has not been lost by those of us in N17.

Who have been your best performers this season?
Do you need to ask? Scott Parker has been everything and more since he signed and looks as though he was destined to play for us. Although I had a bit of a moan about Friedel when he joined, he has arguably been just as important as Parker. For once, our defence doesn't need to fear the madness and terror that Gomes, despite his likeability, put us through on nigh-on a weekly basis. When playing, King is immense and with Modric and Bale posing a variety of threats, it finally seems that we have a team that can hold its own on a consistent basis against high-calibre opposition. The strike-force has spluttered but Saha has made a decent start and could prove another inspired signing.

Has the speculation about Redknapp's future been a distraction for the team in recent weeks?
After the Newcastle game, I would have said no but the longer the phoney courtship lasts the more of a hindrance it becomes. I don't think Harry should leave as I don't believe he will succeed in the England role. Nobody does and we've seen what happens once the euphoria dies away and the criticism starts. Harry's a patriotic sort, so he'll be tempted but he's also canny and might just walk away from it. Stuart Pearce clearly wants it. Let him have it. The return of the Pizza Hut ads, after England go out at the Euros, would be wonderful.

If Redknapp was to leave, who would you like to see as boss at White Hart Lane?
Martin Jol. I can't help myself. I miss that lovable Honey Monster prowling the touchline at The Lane. But that isn't going to happen. I'd be happy with anyone as long as it's not Rafa Benitez.

Where do you feel Spurs can harm United on Sunday?
Parker's sending off was the worst outcome of the North London Derby. Because of it, I get the impression that we'll play as if we were the away team, hitting United on the break whist soaking up pressure, assuming Sandro starts. Harry needs to play both wingers (Bale and Lennon) but even they're doubts. Get an early goal or two, then defend like the Greek team of 2004. Having said that, an early lead could be very dangerous too.

Which United players do you feel will pose the biggest threat?
Rooney, Scholes, Nani. They all seem to enjoy playing against Spurs and I don't see that changing any time soon.

If you had to pick a joint United/Spurs team, who would you select in your first eleven?
Friedel, Assou-Ekotto, King, Kaboul, Walker, Bale, Parker, Modric, Scholes, Lennon, Rooney - now that really is a sign of how much I rate my own team these days. Only two United players? Really? Really.

What is your score prediction for the game?
Having said that, I know my team. United to win 3-1. Killing off our Premier League challenge and sparking the nervous breakdown as Arsenal and Chelsea win their games this weekend. Never easy, being a Spurs fan.

A big thanks to Greg for taking the time to answer my questions. You can read his musings on the beautiful game by visiting his site and you can follow him on twitter by clicking the link below.

My thoughts ahead of the game on Sunday

The importance of this game to United cannot be underestimated. Ahead of a likely Premier League decider at City at the end of April, this game represents (on paper) the toughest assignment the Reds will face. Spurs are having a wonderful season full of fast, flowing football (once the preserve of their North London rivals and ourselves) and look set to reward their endeavours with a finish in the top four. United are on the back of a decent run of form with a resurgent Scholes and Giggs at the heart of things which is both joyful and deeply troubling at the same time. The return of Rooney could be key bearing in mind the number of big games he has influenced this season and the general cohesion he brings to the make up of the side. With De Gea looking a more assertive presence between the sticks and the blossoming partnership of Ferdinand and Evans in the centre, the defence has looked a tad more impenetrable in recent weeks and without doubt they will be tested to the maximum at the weekend.

While the loss of Valencia on the right has been ill timed, others have come to the fore to help ease the loss. Ashley Young has returned to fitness and the old master Giggs has even returned to his old stomping ground out wide with his usual vigour. Nani has, by his own admission, not had the best of times recently but as is his nature, this can quickly change and once more we will be revelling in his unpredictable genius down the right.

I am strangely optimistic about the outcome on Sunday. This does not stem entirely from the fact that Scott Parker will be missing but mainly from the knowledge that our opponents will allow us to play rather than look to stifle. If it is an open game then I would always back us to prevail and bearing in mind the two teams philosophies on how the game should be played, I cannot see any other situation. The home side will be smarting from last weekend's disaster at the Emirates which makes them a dangerous opponent but bearing in mind the gaps exploited by the Gunners, I can see the Reds have similar joy whilst always being susceptible to a swift counter attack which they must guard against. It is for this reason that I can see goals aplenty on Sunday and I will go for a 2-3 victory for the Reds with the game remaining in the balance right until the final whistle.

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