Friday 9 March 2012

5 things we learned from the game vs Athletic Bilbao

1) David De Gea is a brilliant keeper and growing in confidence with each match.

2) Athletic Bilbao were a joy to watch.

3) Manchester United cannot pass the ball and do not possess the technique to cope under pressure.

4) Rafael is prone to losing concentration.

5) Watching United can be painful.

That is all. 

Thank you for visiting. 

Now leave me a comment.


  1. 'do not possess the technique to cope under pressure'

    you hit the nail on the head there, agree 100%

  2. I watched the game last night and i wasnt surprised.....we have been coasting since 2009 & we have played well in only a handful of games.....We are Manchester United we should not be outplayed at Old Trafford like we were last night. Take for example our midfield last night - Jones is not a midfielder - a good centreback but never a midfielder, giggs needs help and looked lost night, park is just not up to it anymore, good servant to club but lacks pace and touch. Young - good premiership squad player but wont cut at this level....We were outpassed, out played and should have lost by more. De Gea & Evans were the only ones to come out with any pride last night. If last seasons champions league final was not a wake up call surely losing to A Bilbao in the Europa League will be? United must bring the best to Old Trafford again as we are on the slide.

  3. Only a nut would not admit dt united has not been on d decline in d last 3 seasons.Fergie needs to straighten both d midfield and defense with world class players and even Rooney needs another formidable striker to complement. In my candid view, we are 5-6 players short of barca's level at d moment& d only reason SAF has been allowed his frequent somewhat lame excuses excuses about no value in d market is d legendary glory he has brought to united but such height should not be lost just like that. Somehow, I hope for serious intervention

  4. It has been obvious for a long time that some of the players in our squad are not good enough to be United players but due to lack of funds I think SAF hasnt been able to rectify that. Personally we lack quality at RB, LM, 2CM(defensive and offensive) and up top. Our best midfielder is Carrick and he doesnt have the courage or talent in him to play a forward pass, with him everything is square or back. Anderson and Park, squad players at best, need to be moved on. Rafeal was awful last night but jury still out on Desilva because they are young so I think both of them could do well with a season out on loan. Pogba and Ravel are blows but due to scial media their impact has been overblown. If Pogba was that good at 18 he would be playing (wilshire was and the boy nunez last night was exceptional). Young, being british was overpriced, would be better suited playing off the striker because his final ball has really lacked this season. I think in the past we had a good core and hence SAF ust had to buy one marquee signing every season to supplment the squad. Here he needs to make some real wholesale changes which will require at least 60-70m in the summer. A double raid of the toon for tiote (10m) and ba(10m) plus modric would sort out our issues. I think SAF though must get credit for buying Degea cause the boy looks a talent and although he had hiccups to start with (which is totally normal for a young boy going to new country) he has saved us in the last few games. What is actually amazing is that this united team has been able to stay 2 points behind mancity with this squad, tell us all we need to know about the magic of SAF. One shudders to think what will happen when he retires. Most likely thats when the glazers will sell the club to some rich arabs and get the hell out!!!

  5. Amongst United fans there appears to be one universal truth: a loss and everyone turns out to proclaim our squad is about as good as a midtable League Two side. The sky is falling, the sky is falling! The squad needs a few improvements but I am not buying the panic. Last night's result was predictable the moment I saw the team sheet. Why on earth did we play Jones and Giggs as our centermids? They were overrun in Basle, so the fact that they were utterly outplayed was no surprise. This is where the game was lost as we couldn't control the pace of the game. And without any presence in the center of the park, Young -who is decent but not world class- didn't have the ability to influence the game (but this is a big ask on any wide player isolated with zero service). Park, simply, has just lost a step. Let him return to the K-League and get a heros welcome, he deserves it. In his replacement, I would buy Clint Dempsey. He can play anywhere accord the frontline, doesn't depend on pace, works hard and scores. Finally, without any influence at centermid, it was no wonder our younger defenders got exposed.

    This team needs a center mid who can bring some energy, probably a player like Modric. But to say we are terrible is just silly. A midfield of Nani, Valencia, Scholes and Carrick would have run that team ragged. It is almost arrogant to think that we could play a make shift squad against a top ten team from Spain and not get outplayed. I'm not panicking, for all of Fergies statements he clearly is only taking the Europa League half seriously. We will win Sunday against WBA and all will be forgotten.

  6. Holy shit!

    Good points James.

    As soon as we rest a couple of players, one or two looses form or something similar then we simply don't have the strength to control a match. Give Bilbao a lot of credit, played some wonderful football and that was probably on of THE highlight games of their season.

    We are rebuilding and we are developing players that hopefully will be top-class in 1-2 years but still. That isn't the United standard that fans, players and coaches and manager are looking for.

    That is all. Moving on to the next game.
